Who We Are

Mission Values

Our vision is for southwest Ohio to be recognized for its permanently protected and conserved open space in woodlands, watersheds and family farms.

Our mission is to conserve natural habitats, waterways and agricultural lands in Southwestern Ohio, for the benefit of present and future generations, through partnerships with people and communities.

Core Values:
We value comprehensive land stewardship that strategically
  •  Protects water quality and quantity in streams and in the ground,
  •  Preserves habitat diversity essential for biotic diversity,
  •  Ensures that the best farmland remains in agricultural use,
  •  Provides natural areas and space for leisure and/or recreation, and
  •  Mitigates the adverse effects of natural disasters, such as floods or drought

  • Three Valley Conservation Trust will set the standard for land conservation and water quality in our region.
  • The protection and enhancement of waterways, woodlands, vistas and farmland in our region will be seen as exemplary land conservation.
  • TVCT will be recognized by landowners, developers, and public officials in Southwestern Ohio as an important resource for conservation planning, land protection and land use planning or sustainable development.
  • TVCT will be the holder of choice for land protection agreements and partnerships with willing landowners.
  • The TVCT region will be cherished and known for: protecting land, water, and scenic beauty; providing open spaces for livable communities; and safeguarding the heritage of productive farms, and cultural landscapes

Our Staff

Three Valley Conservation Trust is seeking people who would be interested in serving on our Board of Directors or on a Board committee. Committees include Finance, Development, Land Protection and Outreach (which encompasses education, membership, events and publicity).

Our mission is to conserve natural habitats, waterways and agricultural lands in Southwestern Ohio, for the benefit of present and future generations, through partnerships with people and communities.

If you would be interested in helping us protect our limited resources, provide areas where wildlife can thrive and contribute to mitigating climate change, contact us at office@3vct.org for more information.

Our Board

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