The Three Valley Conservation Trust is a non-profit organization that partners with people and communities to conserve the natural environment and cultural heritage of its service area for the benefit of future generations. The purpose of this scholarship is to provide support for applicants pursuing degrees & careers that relate to the mission of the Trust. For example, work in agriculture, conservation, ecology, water management and sustainability represent some but not all of the related careers.
A minimum of $1,000 to be distributed annually to at least one successful applicant. This is a one-time award per applicant.
Application submissions are to be made directly to the Trust (Three Valley Conservation Trust, P.O. Box 234, Oxford, OH 45056) and are to be postmarked no later than March 15th each year.
Applications must include:
Applications will be reviewed by a committee appointed by the Chair, Board of Trustees, Three Valley Conservation Trust and will include at least one board member. The committee’s selection will be based on the applicants’ responses and letters of recommendation. The selection is not based on need or prior scholastic achievement.
It is at the committee’s discretion to:
For questions, call 513-524-2150