Three Valley Conservation Trust (TVCT) is excited to announce the beginning of yet another watershed protection planning project in the Lower Great Miami River Basin.
The purpose of the project is to develop a 9 Element Nonpoint Source Implementation Strategy Plan (NPS-IS) for Howard Creek Dry Fork Whitewater River watershed, located in SW Ohio (Butler and Hamilton counties) and SE Indiana (Franklin County). – Please see below the project area map.
A 9-Element Plan approved by the Ohio Environmental Agency (OEPA) is required to apply for a federal and state funding, including; section 319 and H2Ohio grants to fund eligible streambank restoration, wetland restoration and many other conservation projects, which can help to improve water quality in the watershed.
The local stakeholders and communities are strongly encouraged to actively participate in the planning process, provide input in identifying sources and causes of impairments in the watershed, and help to set goals and management strategies for the watershed conservation efforts.
Development of the 9 Element Plan for the Howard Creek Dry Fork Whitewater River watershed is the first of two TVCT watershed protection planning projects scheduled for 2022. The second project will focus on the Paddy’s Run watershed and will start in July. The funding for both projects is administrated by the OEPA.
To learn more about the development of a 9 Element Plan, please check the attached poster.
If you live in the project area and have water quality concerns, or you are interested in more information, we would like to hear from you. Please contact TVCT at office@3vct.org or give us a call at 513-524-2150.
We also encourage you to participate in the Open House meeting for the Upper Dry Fork Watershed on February 17th at 5:00p.m. The meeting will be held at Morgan Township, Community Building, 6463 Okeana Drewersburg Rd, Okeana, Ohio 45053. Learn about collaborative planning process for the Howard Creek Dry Fork Whitewater River watershed and hear about available funding opportunities and programs. Let us know what are your conservation concerns for this watershed.